Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Diseases Related to the Blood Circulatory System

  1. Blood diseases and disorder
    1. Poison influencing hemoglobin molecule : Carbon monoxide (CO) is substance as a result of imperfect combustion or burning. This substance binds the ferrum of hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin. Because the bind between hemoglobin and carbonmonoxide is stronger than oxygen, the hemoglobin cannot transport the oxygen. Carbon monoxide is produced by vehicles, gas waste from factories, cigarettes and others. One of the effects is that the blood of smokers contain 5 to 15% of carboxyhemoglobin
    2. Anemia : Anemia is a disorder in which there are too few red blood cells or too little hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Because of this, body tissues do not receive enough oxygen. They are unable to carry on their usual activity. Sometimes an improper diet or loss of a great amount of blood will cause anemia. Anemia can also result from the effect of a disease or the side effect of a treatment for a disease. Heredity disorder can also cause anemia. People suffering from anemia will lack energy, feel tired, look pale, and breathe shortly and quickly.
    3. Leukemia : Leukemia is another blood disorder. In this type of disease one or more types of white blood cells are produced in increased number. However, the cells are immature  and do not effectively fight infections. Blood transfusion and bone marrow transplatation are used to treat this disease, but they are not always successful
    4. Hemophilia : Hemophilia is blood disorder in the process of blood clotting, especially because of a genetic disorder or a heredity factor. The blood suffering from this cannot clot
    5. Trombositopenia : Trombositopenia is shown by the lack of platelet. It is partly because of excessive bleeding, damage of platelets, and lack of platelet production that is caused by genetic disorder, anemia, drug therapy, and radiation therapy.
  2. Disease and disorder of blood vessels
    1. Varicose vein : Varicose vein occurs when the vein vessel widens. This causes vein valve not to overlap and to impede the blood flow back.
    2. Stroke : A stroke is caused by a blood clot that occurs in the artery inside the brain. The clot prevents or reduces the flow of blood to some brain cells. The stroke may cause a person to become paralyzed in some parts of his / her body like a loss of speech, sight, or hearing. This is caused by lack of oxygen, which destroys brain tissue
    3. High blood pressure (Hypertension) : One cause of hypertension is the condition described above. A clogged artery can cause the pressure within the blood vessel to increase. This makes the walls of the vessel lose their ability to contract and span. Extra work of heart is another factor that affects high blood pressure. Being overweight as well as eating food with too much salt and fat may contribute to hypertension. Smoke and stress can also increase blood pressure.
    4. Atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis : Atherosclerosis is a condition of fatty deposits on arterial walls. Eating too much food that contains cholesterol can cause these deposits. The fat can build up and form a hard mass that clogs the inside of the blood vessels; that is called arteriosclerosis. As a result, the amount of blood flowing through the artery decrease. If the artery is clogged completely, blood is unable to flow through. When this occurs in artery coronaries, it can cause a heart attack. If an artery in the brain is clogged, a stroke can occur. A well functioning circulatory system is important for good health. 
  3. Disease and disorder of the heart
    1. One out of five people of 60 years old is predicted to suffer from heart attack. The causes of heart attack include high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking habit, obesity, lack of exercise, diabetes, & heredity
    2. The main cause of heart problem if the fact that there is only a small amount of blood passing through the vessels, anatomy disorder, or the failure of heart electricity. Heart disorder may occur as a congenital defect, because of the artery disorder, the damage of partition between the left and right atrium, or the right and left ventricle

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